“Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.”
-Saint Vincent de Paul
Client Outreach
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing, and healing individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. As important, SVDP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion.
Outreach services are provided to neighbors in need who live in Vero Beach (South of 45th St).
The Outreach Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00 am-12:00 pm.
For an appointment, call (772) 567-6774 and press option 1.
Social Services
Some of Saint Vincent de Paul Society of Indian River County Outreach Services Include:
A Florida photo ID and verification of household members are required for the following:
Clothing Vouchers: Vouchers are based on need. Neighbors may receive one voucher to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop. You must apply in person.
Furniture Vouchers: Vouchers are based on need. You must apply in person.
Utility Assistance: Neighbors can apply for assistance, in person, for help with utility bills. You will need to provide your current utility bill and a photo ID. Assistance is based on need.
Personal Care items are supplied based on need. Qualifying residents from the Vero Beach area are eligible to receive services. You will need to show specific documents to determine your eligibility. We will tell you what is required when you meet with one of our counselors in private. A list of other charitable organizations in the community is available at SVDP.
The VNA Bus comes every Wednesday 9-5 pm. It will be parked at 1755 14th Ave, next door to the thrift shop. The VNA representative does complimentary screening to include blood pressure, pulse, and blood sugar for diabetics. Once the schedule is finalized, details will be available here.
Additional products, such as sleeping bags, backpacks, and hygiene bags, may also be available to the homeless as donations or funding allow. When available, they are provided to those in need – free of charge.