Weekly 50% Off Sale @ St. Vincent de Paul Society for July 5th- 8th

We are closed Monday & Tuesday in observance of July 4th

1745 14th Ave

Vero Beach, FL

Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9-3:00pm – This week only

We accept cash, credit/debit card, and St. Vincent Gift Cards


 The weekly discounts for 7/5 – 7/8/23 are as follows:

All Shoes – 50% 📴

Infant & Children – 50%  📴

All Chairs Bo-Go

Christmas in July

The much anticipated say again, the much anticipated celebration of Christmas in July begins Wednesday, July 5. The elves have been busy. Preparing to stock, the holiday shelves with beautiful new, and gently used items. Come in and see our large selection of decorations, lights, trees, dishes, wreathes, gift bags, clothing, and much much more. Be the first to see the themed display and get a headstart on your holiday gift buying and decorating.

Our mission is to help our neighbors in need and you helping us would surely be a blessing! Come in and see any manager on duty to sign up or go on our website: svdpvero.org to sign up. You would be a welcome addition to our team!
**** Also if any of our customers would like to donate their plastic grocery bags we would love to have them! Remember when you want to donate your gently used stuff – think of SVDP on 14 th Ave. You can donate cars,trailers,bikes, campers,boats,watercraft, wheelchairs etc! We take just about anything. On our website we have a detailed list. The bigger items are tax deductible too. We are truly grateful for all the donations we receive! The more we receive,the more we are able to help our neighbors in need. What a blessing! Thank you all so much! ****