Weekly 50% Off Sale @ St. Vincent de Paul Society for May 1-May 6th
1745 14th Ave
Vero Beach, FL
Open Monday Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9-3:00pm.
We accept cash, credit/debit card, and St. Vincent Gift Cards
On Sale @ 50% 📴 5/1-5/6/23:
All Shoe’s 50% 📴
Ladies Regular Slacks,Shirts, Sweaters/ Jackets 50% 📴
Glassware & Collectibles – 50% 📴
Look for Red ♥️ Tag Furniture Tags with prices slashed! CLEARANCE Rack Clothing – Color Purple 💜 – 50% 📴
On Saturday May 6 th, from 9-3:00pm we are sponsoring a Teacher Appreciation Day. All teachers are welcome!! This is a special event for teachers to get whatever they need for 50% 📴 .
At check out all teachers need to do is show their ID# badges and they will get the discount of 50% 📴 Entire purchase. This is for All teachers, no matter the district or county. We want to honor you for helping to shape our children’s minds!
If you would like to Donate to SVdP of IRC and financially help support those in need, you can do so online or in person at one of your friendly cashiers